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At what point will CNN realize there was a big election yesterday?

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I'm all for their coverage of the terrorist attacks in Jordan.


This is America, and we had an incredibly important election here yesterday, an election that signaled a "disater" for the president, according to one Reuters story. Yet, CNN's politics show, The Situation Room, has been non-stop "Jordan hotels blow up" all afternoon.

Again, I get it. Hotels go boom. Bad. But I'm getting a real feeling of Jerry Springer TV going on right now. Non-stop coverage for 3 hours? Are the bombings THAT big a story? So big, in fact, that they erase practically all mention of an incredibly significant election yesterday in our own country? Are bombing in Jordan really going to be influence the future of America more than yesterday's election? I don't think so. And they certainly aren't such a big story that they obliterate all discussion of the election.

I'm just having a very hard time believing that CNN isn't doing anything more than disaster-whoring here. I love CNN, don't get me wrong. But this is wrong.

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