Does anyone know of any good blogs from troops in Iraq or Afghanistan? (Are they even allowed to have a blog?) Maybe a good blog from a parent or loved one of someone in Iraq? I'm not talking about a political polemic from the field (pro or con). I'm just looking to hear what the experience is like over there.
Today the President is going to use "the troops" as a backdrop as he once again tries to berate the 60% of the public opposed to his handling of the war into supporting him. Just for a moment, I'd really like to hear from the humans being used as props on the stage. What do they really think, feel, experience? It's a story that I (and I imagine others) would really like to read.
Blogs, by their nature, tell stories. I would imagine that out there, somewhere, someone is telling a really good story. If you know of one, share it in the comments.
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Any good blogs from troops in Iraq or Afghanistan?
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