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Is Dick Cheney dying? Cheney cancels his vacation

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Wow, that there hurricane must be an awful big deal for Dick Cheney to finally appear six days after New Orleans was wiped off the map. Michael Petrelis has the scoop on Dick deigning to grace us with his presence again.

He's been "on vacation" throughout this whole disaster, we've heard nothing from him, and the mainstream media is for some strange reason not asking the question of where he is. Other than Dan Froomkin in the Post, who found out last Wednesday that Cheney was still "on vacation" indefinitely, no one has asked the obvious question as to why Dick Cheney is missing in action during the biggest disaster in decades. Why is the Bush administration's most effective member missing in action during the administration's total melt down? They're hiding him, for one reason or another.

So I'm asking: Is Dick Cheney deathly ill?

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