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Inland Katrina victims still waiting for food and water

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FEMA seems to need a solid kick in the ass to get it moving to do much of anything these days so maybe the inland survivors of Katrina might - maybe - start getting help as well. Any normal person would assume that after 6 days, FEMA would have been able to at least be able to have a quick drop-off across the area but then again, most normal people would have assumed that we could have mobilized for the NOLA region days faster than actually happened.

Valid points are made below about Bush's ability to choose his team members and go with "loyalty" or ideology over competence time and time again as we are seeing with the Arabian Horse Association guy stumble, bumble and do next to nothing to save the dying while Bush slaps him on the back and tells him "Brownie, you're doin' a heck of a job."

So who do you want deciding your fate in the coming years? The next time something serious happens - and remember we often hear that there will be another attack, it can't be prevented - who are you going to trust?

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