Bush's message to those wimpy Louisianans who think they're going to ruin Bush's vacation by complaining about hurricane Katrina:
Yes, according to the latest news I can find, Bush is apparently STILL remaining on vacation in Crawford while the US faces what is now being called quite possibly the biggest hurricane to strike America in our history.
Now, a smart president would cancel his summer vacation and rush to Washington to coordinate relief efforts, etc. But let's face it, Bush does what he wants (and that usually means party) and his staff NEVER contradicts him, and that includes NEVER interrupting his vacations. Did anyone really expect otherwise? Bush's own wife was under presumed attack at the White House and his staffers refused to interrupt Bush's bike ride. Do you honestly think anyone has the guts to even suggest that Bush get off his ass and return to Washington in order to show leadership?
Why isn't Bush returning to Washington to show some leadership? Funny, you won't find the mainstream media asking that question because then they won't get invited to any more barbeques.
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Bush Vacation Watch Update: Thank God Katrina STILL hasn't ruined Bush's summer vacation
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