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Tomorrow's the big dinner for DeLay

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And tomorrow's NY Times has part of the guest list. No real surprises (except not many of his House colleagues)....mostly it's just the worst of the worst:

Instead, the attendees will seem like a who's who of the right, including the Rev. Louis P. Sheldon, chairman of the Traditional Values Coalition; Ken Melhman, the chairman of the Republican National Committee; and his predecessor, Ed Gillespie.

Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, a Christian conservative advocacy group, is among the hosts, as is Paul M. Weyrich, considered a founding father of the modern conservative movement. Dr. James C. Dobson, the founder of Focus on the Family, will pay homage to Mr. DeLay by videotape.

This being Washington, some lobbyists are still expected, among them Mr. Keene; Charlie Black, a Republican strategist with close ties to the White House; and Cleta Mitchell, who met Mr. DeLay when she ran an organization advocating term limits for lawmakers - an idea he vehemently opposed.
Funny thing is, most members of the House aren't attending. Some, like Melissa Hart, maybe were initially, but aren't now. Somehow, there was confusion with Hart's response to the American Conservative know...that whole yes/no thing really catches people off guard:
"They were confused," Ms. Hart said Wednesday, after organizers of the event said they were initially told that she would attend. "My initial response was no."

The sparse attendance by House members, and the miscommunication about Ms. Hart, suggest the delicate nature of having a dinner in Mr. DeLay's honor.
"Delicate nature" -- you think? But, doesn't it sound like a really fun night?

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