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Bush: give me my Judges...pass the nuclear option

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The Christian Coalition reports that during his press conference with Hamai Karzai, Bush pushed hard -- again -- for the nuclear option:

President Bush said this afternoon from the White House, "My job is to pick people who will interpret the Constitution, not use the bench from which to write laws. And I expect them to get an up or down vote, that's what I expect. And I think the American people expect that as well -- people ought to have a fair hearing and they ought to get an up or down vote on the floor."
Bush and the right wing theocrat's triumverate of Dobson/Weyrich/Perkins are the main proponents of ending judicial filibusters. They want the Bush judges in place to start stripping away the rights of Americans (and btw, not just gays....choice, contraception, even porn....are on their agenda...Bush and these theocrats are sex-obsessed and they are going to involve themselves in every aspect of our personal lives, so straight America -- even red staters, that means you.)

The Senate GOP, whose leader Bill Frist is under the watchful eye and control of the theocrats, is preparing to vote on the nuclear option.

As they merrily follow Bush, the GOP Senators might want to take a look at the latest Gallup Poll, which DailyKos has laid out nicely for them.

Bush's approval numbers are tanking -- his approval in the Gallup Poll is 46%. Now granted, Bush doesn't have to run for anything again. And, Frist and the theocrats are playing to their base.

It sure looks like the GOP is following an increasingly unpopular leader. And since this debate is about pure politics, not policy, you can bet some of the GOP Senators are taking a very close look at those polls.

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