There's a discussion on a Yahoo bulletin board about rumors that Jeb Bush has called up the Florida National Guard to intervene in the Schiavo case tonight. I wouldn't normally post this, since it's unsubstantiated, but in view of the intense interest in the Schiavo story, and the fact that the Miami Herald reported last week that Jeb Bush sent the authorities to nab Schiavo last Thursday - and it almost ended in a shoot out - Bush has put this issue into play. It's worth a journalist at least investigating, and the way we get it investigated, is to put it out there.
Again, this entire rumor could be bogus. But since Jeb Bush DID send out the troops secretly last week, it's worth just putting this out there.
The discussion is here.
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RUMOR: Jeb Bush is calling out the Florida National Guard to get Schiavo
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