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South Dakota paper says Gannon unfairly tried to tar paper as biased

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Gee, he wasn't so opposed to taking on journalists for their alleged biases last year. From E&P:

But [Argus Leader Executive Editor Randell] Beck contends Guckert's coverage was aimed at making the paper look biased, not at fairly covering the race. "A lot of it was either not true or manipulated to leave the impression that we were biased in favor of Daschle," Beck said. The editor declined to be specific about claims Guckert made, and since Talon News has removed all of his work from its site, those stories were not viewable.
The editor also reports that Gannon admits he shared information back and forth with bloggers working for the Thune Senate campaign.
Although Guckert said he was not paid by, or directed, by Daschle's opponents (in South Dakota or in Washington, D.C.) to write about the Argus Leader, he admitted to sharing information with local blogs, such as and

"We traded information back and forth," he told E&P. "But having some special relationship, I would not characterize it as that. We were pursuing the same story."

Thune also appeared on Gannon's Web-only radio show on Feb. 8, 2004. He eventually beat Daschle in what many considered to be a major upset, given Daschle's standing as Senate minority leader.

After the electlon, it became known that one of Gannon's blog comrades received $27,000 from the Thune campaign, and another took $8,000.

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