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Help the fundies meltdown, call and protest Kid Rock

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The Bush twins want Kid Rock singing at the inaugural. The religious right hates him because he says "fuck" a lot. Kid Rock supported Bush's re-election, so he gets no sympathy here. Let's help make this issue difficult for all sides. If Kid Rock stays, the fundies get pissed. If Bush has to back down and pull Kid Rock, the Bush twins gets pissed and thus daddy gets pissed. And an added bonus, if Kid Rock gets booted, it only serves him right - he deserves to experience first-hand the cultural policies he voted for.

And not to mention, where does Bush get off having everyone attack Hollywood values at the convention, then embrace those Hollywood values for his own inaugural? He shouldn't be allowed to have it both ways.

Do what the religious right hate groups are asking, and call the presidential inaugural committee and rip 'em a new one about Kid Rock.

The number to call is 202-863-2005 or 202-314-2600

Tell them Kid Rock represents everything the value voters voted against in November. Or, feel free to tell them to hang in there and keep Kid Rock. Either way, someone gets screwed - either Bush or the fundies - so it's a win win.

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