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Did Bush just "uninvite" Kid Rock to the inaugural?

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UPDATE: Since the Bushies have now uninvited Kid Rock, I think it's time we called the presidential inaugural committee and complain that they uninvited him. What about freedom of speech? Is Bush simply a stooge of the religious right? Time to put the heat on the other side now I think :-) Here are the phone numbers for the inaugural committee:

202-863-2005 or 202-314-2600

Ms. Julien, an AMERICAblog regular, just posted the following comment on the blog, in response to my request that folks call the President Inaugural Committee. I called the first number to confirm and someone answered and hung up before I could even speak (testy testy), and the second number no one answer. Anyone else getting this response from the Inaugural folks?:

I just called - the man who answered the phone said the performer's appearance was a "rumor that was started by some independent group" and that the "invitation [to Kid Rock] has not been extended."
Ooh, even better, I just found this quote from the NY Daily News:
Inauguration planners seemed to be backpedaling yesterday about the event following a call from the Daily News. "Kid Rock has not been confirmed," insisted Tracey Schmitt, a spokeswoman from the Presidential Inaugural Committee. "But I can tell you Hilary Duff has been confirmed, as has JoJo."
I'm sorry, but "he hasn't been confirmed" does not mean the same thing as his appearance is an unsubstantiated rumor and "he has not been invited." Now the Bushies are talking out of both sides of their mouths. What is this, the Iraq war?

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