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House Republicans propose FOUR MORE gay-bashing bills

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They hate gays, period. They're willing to risk us getting AIDS so they can pander to the radical right, and they sure as hell don't want us to be in happy, loving, monogamous relationships. This is what we get with four more years of Bush. I don't care what anyone says about John Kerry - yeah, he's bad on gay marriage, who isn't? - there is NO WAY Kerry is going to be 1/10th as bad as these hateful Republican bigots. Time to clean house, then we can work on bringing our own folks up to speed.

From the Human Rights Campaign:

The House Committee on the Judiciary today marked up the so-called Marriage Protection Act (H.R. 3313) - a bill that purports to strip the federal courts of jurisdiction over challenges to the Defense of Marriage Act. The committee reported the bill to the full House by a vote of 21 to 13. A vote in the House is expected the week of July 19, 2004.

Two other bills were marked up today by the House Committee on Appropriations. One measure, the fiscal year 2005 D.C. appropriations bill, already prevents District of Columbia officials from using federal and local funds to operate scientifically proven HIV/AIDS prevention programs and prohibits federal funds from being used to implement a limited domestic partnership program in the nation's capital.

It is expected that language further prohibiting the ability of the district to make its own policies on marriage recognition may be added to the D.C. Appropriations bill during later consideration on the House floor.

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