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Romney and Santorum neck and neck in Michigan

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Keep in mind, Michigan is Romney's ancestral home (well, other than Mexico).  So Romney should not be having this hard of a time winning.  Also, I'd heard the other day that a lot of the early-voting went Romney's way, so that Santorum needs more than "breaking even" today in order to win the state tonight.  Ah ok, it was PPP, our favorite pollsters:

Even though things seem to be moving back in Santorum's direction, there's one big reason to think that Romney will still come out as the winner tomorrow night. 18% of the electorate has already cast its ballots and with those voters in the bank Romney has a 56-29 advantage. Santorum's likely to win election day voters, but he''s going to have to do it by a wide margin to erase the lead Romney has stored. We see Santorum with a 40-33 advantage among those who have yet to vote.
I'm still not sure I like this early voting thing. I get that it helps more people vote. But elections aren't about voting a week or a month early. They're about voting on election day. Lots of polls have one guy or another winning "today." But it's election day that matters. I'm just not so sure I like this idea of election day being a fluid thing. I'm all for making it easier to vote, since apparently we're so lazy, but we need to find a way to make it easier THAT SAME DAY.

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