Why are Republicans upset that the White House threw a Halloween party for the kids of US servicemembers? Because the party was just too darn nice for "those" kids, apparently.
This is the same thing Republicans pulled regarding the White House Christmas decorations - they were "too" Christmasy.
The Republicans are trying to put President Obama between a rock and a hard place - if he doesn't throw a good enough party for the kids, or decorate the White House nicely enough, then he hates both the military and Christmas. But seriously, Republicans think the American public is going to get upset because the President just did too much for the kids of our servicemembers risking their lives for us around the world. And the public is going to get upset that President Obama is apparently too Christian.
With GOP attacks like this, re-election might not be so hard after all.
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Republicans upset that White House threw Halloween party for servicemembers’ kids in 2009
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