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UK regulator: Bank lobby efforts 'dishonest'

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Well of course they are dishonest. It's all about their precious bonus plans and maintaining their lifestyle. There's no surprise that the bankers want to use scare tactics and avoid being responsible. If they want to remain ignorant to the anger and disgust around them, let them deal with the much more harsh consequences that will really cause them pain. They've played this game for so long but people are finally waking up to just how corrupt and dishonest they are. FT:

Bankers’ efforts to water down tougher new regulations by claiming they will harm economic growth are “intellectually dishonest and potentially damaging” and could inspire an even more robust crackdown, a leading UK regulator has warned.

“A profession which should stand for integrity and prudence now supports a lobbying strategy that exploits misunderstanding and fear,” said Robert Jenkins, who was named in July to the 11-member Financial Policy Committee, a new body charged with protecting financial stability.

Responding to bank executives’ warnings that the Basel III capital and liquidity standards could force them to cut lending and raise rates, Mr. Jenkins said the lobbying was “dishonest because it is untrue“.

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