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PIPA, the kill-the-Internet bill, is close to a vote in the House & Senate

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There are two immediate legislative threats, one coming this week, the other soon afterward.

The first is the provision that freedom-loving militarists put into the National Defense Authorization act that allows the military to detain anyone, even U.S. citizens, for indefinite periods, no matter where they are found. The Udall Amendment, removing that provision, went down to defeat as I write. (I'll have more on that later.)

The second legislative threat is the Protect IP Act (called "PIPA" by its friends, who are legion; and "kill-the-Internet," also by its friends, but way behind your back).

Here's no less than Markos Moulitsas, Daily Kos founder, on PIPA:

Congress is close to destroying the internet (no hyperbole)

Big Pharma and the recording and movie industries are on the verge of passing a bill that could very well destroy the social web, including Daily Kos.

This is no hyperbole. Watch the video ... [PIPA] is literally an existentialist threat for Daily Kos and any other site with user-generated content, from Facebook, to Reddit, to tumblr, Sound Cloud or YouTube.

This is the holy grail of the entertainment industry—to destroy the internet, and thus, destroy the biggest danger to their business.
And here's the video that Markos referred to.

(Note: SOPA is the House version of the bill. They're not identical; the House version makes the Senate version look almost reasonable — by design I suspect, since the same greedy billionaires are financing both.)

Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) is a hero in this fight. He seems to know that as a senator, he actually has power, and is using it (emphasis mainly mine):
Democratic Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy is inexplicably leading the charge in the Senate with the Protect IP Act [PIPA]. Republican Texas Rep. Lamar Smith is leading the companion bill in the House with the Stop Online Piracy Act [SOPA]. This bill would've been rushed through with no debate through both chambers had it not been for the singular efforts of Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden, a true hero of grassroots media and the social web.

Wyden has put a hold on the bill in the Senate, and has promised a full filibuster. Currently, there appear to be 60 votes to overcome that filibuster, but the delaying tactics would tie up the Senate for a full week. And if it doesn't pass this year, supporters have to start from scratch all over again next year—this time under the full glare of a spotlight.

Wyden is now being joined with Sens. Maria Cantwell of Washington, Jerry Moran of Kansas (he's a senator that exists) and Rand Paul of Kentucky (even a stopped clock ...).
As if this weren't a shock enough, here's a list of PIPA's co-sponsors. John McCain and Joe Lieberman are joined by these supposed friends of freedom:
Sen Brown, Sherrod [OH] - (202) 224-2315 [corrected]
Sen Franken, Al [D-MN] - (202) 224-5641
Sen Gillibrand, Kirsten E. [D-NY] - (202) 224-4451
Sen Klobuchar, Amy [D-MN] - (202) 224-3244
Sen Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI] - (202) 224-2921
Those are sponsors! Your "liberal" Democrats in action. (At what point are you tempted never to vote for a Democrat again? Feel free to discuss amongst yourselves.)

ACTION OPPORTUNITYCall your senators and ask them to support Ron Wyden's filibuster of PIPA, the kill-the-Internet act.

If you've given money to people like Al Franken, be sure to let him know your thoughts (polite but direct; remember, money talks louder than swear words with some people).

You can say Thanks to Sen. Wyden here: (202) 224-5244 or (503) 326-7525.


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