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Church of England bishops criticize welfare cuts

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What a crazy concept here to see senior religious leaders standing up for the poor and suffering during a severe economic crisis. It's good to see some religious people concerned about the issues they ought to be concerned about other than maintaining tax cuts for the rich or promoting bigoted policies that discriminate. The Guardian:

Bishops across the country, backed by Rowan Williams, the archbishop of Canterbury, have condemned the coalition government's controversial welfare reforms, which they say risk pushing thousands of children into poverty and homelessness.

Eighteen Church of England bishops, backed by Williams and the archbishop of York, John Sentamu, are demanding that ministers rewrite their flagship plan to impose a £500-a-week benefit cap on families.

In an open letter in Observer, they say the Church of England has a "moral obligation to speak up for those who have no voice". Their message is that the cap could be "profoundly unjust" to the poorest children in society, especially those in larger families and those living in expensive major cities.

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