Orrin Hatch has been around the Senate for a long time. He's served on the Judiciary Committee in a variety of capacities, including a stint as Chair. In an interview with a conservative website, Hatch spewed the usual right wing rhetoric about "activist judges." But before he got to that, Hatch seemed to dismiss the lobbying efforts of conservatives against the next Supreme Court nominee over an "inappropriate" nominee. Hatch basically said "inappropriate" only applies if the person isn't qualified. But he intimated that as long as the person is "qualified," the person will be confirmed. Hatch then went on to apparently say that a nominee being "liberal" is not a disqualification for confirmation.
Hatch actually gave a very realistic answer about the process: Whoever the president is gets to make the pick. So, as Obama ponders his pick, he should keep in mind that the right wingers will automatically say anyone he chooses is a liberal. But, that's not what matters, according to top Republican Orrin Hatch.
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Orrin Hatch: Obama is permitted to nominate, and Senate confirm, a "liberal" Sup. Ct. justice
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