Okay, I pretty much think no one cares what Liz Cheney thinks and writing about her is a waste of time. She's as rotten to the core as her father (and mother.) Most of the time, she should be ignored. However, Jed has a clip of Ms. Cheney (on FOX News, of course) bashing the Obama administration with language straight out of 2002 and 2004 campaigns. Those were the glory days for the Cheney family (well, except for Mary). Back then, the Cheneys could accuse people of siding with terrorists and the traditional media dutifully played along. These rantings makes the Cheneys look like the delusional right-wing extremists they are:
As painful as she is, it's really, really good for the GOP re-branding effort to have the Cheney family out there spinning away.
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Liz Cheney is spewing like it's 2004
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Dick Cheney,
GOP extremism
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