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Big Business lobbyists: Obama is mean to us

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Sniffle, sniffle, sniffle. Sounds like some still can't accept their own responsibility for the economic failures that triggered the recession. The business lobbyists are crying "class warfare" so you know we're not far away from hearing about socialism. Oh those crocodile tears.

Some business leaders have focused on the harsh words lately, saying the president is being unduly divisive.

"It is traditional class-warfare rhetoric," said Jade West, a lobbyist for the National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors. "It's a little bit frightening."

Bill Miller, political director for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, called Obama's remarks "an oversimplification of the real world."

Particularly in the areas of finance and taxation, Obama's language often seems to echo, and perhaps fuel, public anger over matters such as the large bonuses paid to executives of AIG, an insurance giant that was bailed out with public money.
Fueling public anger? Hardly. If anything, Obama is well behind the curve on this. The public is fuming over the continued easy treatment of Wall Street and big business and Obama is playing catch-up.

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