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Obama beats first national security test

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As Chris and Joe have both mentioned, in freeing the US hostage held by the Somali pirates, and capturing a pirate, Obama has passed his first national security test with flying colors.

Obama's handling of the crisis showed a president who was comfortable in relying on the U.S. military, much as his predecessor, George W. Bush, did.

But it also showed a new commander in chief who was willing to use all the tools at his disposal, bringing in federal law enforcement officials to handle the judicial elements of the crisis.

The rescue appeared to vindicate Obama's muted but determined handling of the incident.
Let's not forget Obama's Republican predecessor's first national security test. You remember, when George Bush capitulated to China and apologized after they took our airmen hostage. Then there was Bush's second national security test, stopping bin Laden from striking America. That one didn't go so well either. And in eight years, Bush never did catch bin Laden, nor did he give any indication that he cared to.

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