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Audition tapes found of phony "testimonial" ad created by anti-gay groups

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They're running ads telling the stories of "real" people who have been "hurt" by gay marriage. Too bad someone found the audition tapes for the ads - you'll get to see lots of real actors telling the same "personal" story over and over and over. These people are pathetic. If there are so many "real" people hurt by our civil rights, then why do they have to hire actors at all? Because it's all a big lie, brought to your during Holy Week, of all things. Amazing.

HRC got their hands on the audition tapes - you can see them via the link above - I also took the tapes and cut and pasted them with the actual commercial, so you can watch how duplicitous these people really are.

(Some of the actors are so bad, I'm convinced these people got Uncle Fred and Aunt Edith to try out as well - not only couldn't they find real victims, they couldn't even find real actors.)

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