comsc US Politics | AMERICAblog News: Anti-Obama fallout is limited to the right-wing freaks who already think the worst about him, in other words, the hard-core GOP base
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Anti-Obama fallout is limited to the right-wing freaks who already think the worst about him, in other words, the hard-core GOP base

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Could it be that some pundits are actually starting to understand that today's Republicans are always going to hate Obama? Last night, on CBS News, Jeff Greenfield downplayed the attacks on Obama after the Summit of the Americas:

"There is fallout from those people who already regard Obama as anything from a socialist to a fascist to a dangerously weak president. I'm talking about people on the right. If it doesn't spread beyond that, you're going to have the same situation where about 30% of the country really regards him negatively but the rest says 'so far so good.'"

It's still too soon to tell if other pundits and talking heads have grasped this. Last week's teabagging events exposed the new GOP and the right wing's pure, unadulterated hatred for the President -- and totally revealed the bias of FOX News for anyone who still doubted it was GOP-TV.

Drudge may still rule Mark Halperin's world, but there may be hope for some of the others. Like I said, it's too early to tell.

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