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Roland Burris won't be seated as the Illinois Senator -- yet

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The drama continues.

Not too long ago, the Associated Press reported that Roland Burris would be seated as the next Senator from Illinois. Not quite.

TPM Election Central got word from Senator Reid's office that the AP report was "wrong."

Majority Leader Harry Reid and Assistant Majority Leader Dick Durbin just did a press conference after their meeting with Burris -- and AP was wrong. They're waiting for the Illinois Supreme Court to rule on whether the Secretary of State must sign the certification of the appointment. The Illinois Supreme Court is expected to rule on that matter shortly. Also, Burris is testifying tomorrow at the Blagojevich impeachment at the Illinois State House. So, for now, the Democratic leaders are waiting to see how things play out. Both Reid and Durbin wanted it known that Burris said this issue wasn't about race.

Obama is staying out of it. Obama wanted the Senate leaders to accept Burris after all:

The apparent decision to seat Roland Burris came after aides to President-elect Barack Obama contacted senior Senate Democrats and suggested that they reverse course and accept Gov. Rod Blagojevich's controversial appointment, according to a senior Dem congressional aide.

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