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Jeb Bush isn't running for Senate in Florida

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This is a pretty big development. Once Florida's Senator Mel Martinez announced he was retiring, it was the prevailing conventional wisdom that Jeb would jump in. I figured Martinez was retiring to open up the seat for Jeb. Even George and Jeb's father was on t.v. this past weekend touting Jeb as a Senator -- and even as president. But, today, Jeb said no:

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush announced that he won’t run for Senate in 2010. President Bush’s younger brother had been a rumored candidate for the seat to replace Republican Mel Martinez, who is retiring after one term in the Senate.

“While the opportunity to serve my state and country during these turbulent and dynamic times is compelling, now is not the right time to return to elected office,” Bush said in a statement.
Jeb probably does want to return to elected office -- as the president. But, it's going to take America and the world a long, long time to recover from this Bush presidency.

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