It's obviously not great news, but this is what companies do when the economy goes bad. They don't hand out bonuses and pretend as though multi-billion dollar losses didn't happen. My complaint with Wall Street - AIG and the banks alike - is that none of them should be getting bonuses, anywhere in the company. When Option 1 is bankruptcy and total failure and Option 2 is taxpayer bailout, this is a clear sign of a business in trouble that can't afford to hand out money. It's not as if there happens to be a wide variety of options for Wall Street people who think they can jump ship and find a greener pasture because they're almost all living on taxpayer money. It remains unclear to me why any taxpayer would want to fund Wall Street bonuses regardless of whether one obscure group had a profit or not.
The fact is this is a bad market and companies are going to be watching budgets closely until the dust settles. Maybe I'm just a small company type of person, but I find the attitude of entitlement on Wall Street to be offensive when it's the rest of the nation who was dragged in to this by their schemes and now paying the price, both out of pocket and in terms of their own job security. Maybe some people are glad to pay Wall Street bonuses out of their tax dollars, but I haven't met those people yet. Everyone else has to tighten their belts so why not Wall Street?
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