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The Swiftboaters are back -- with millions -- to attack Obama

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You knew this was coming. The GOP side has fully funded its 527 operations -- and they're coming after Obama:

A new group financed by a Texas billionaire and organized by some of the same political operatives and donors behind the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth campaign against Sen. John F. Kerry in 2004 plans to begin running television ads attacking Barack Obama, a signal that outside groups may play a larger role than anticipated in the closing days of the presidential race.

The American Issues Project has amassed a multimillion-dollar fund, and the group is putting the final touches on an eleventh-hour campaign targeting the Democratic presidential nominee, sources said.

"We expect to be doing both issues and express advocacy between now and November and beyond," said Christian Pinkston, a spokesman for the group.
If you thought the past couple weeks were ugly, hold on. It's going to get much, much worse.

The Obama campaign basically shut down the Democratic 527s and the funding of outside groups. But, there will be a Democratic counter-offensive, led my labor and MoveOn:
On the Democratic side, much of that effort appears to be falling to labor unions and a handful of well-known advocacy groups such as and the Sierra Club. In the spring, a coalition of liberal groups that included the AFL-CIO announced plans to spend $350 million on political activities during the 2008 campaign season, but they have been slow in coming together.

Ilyse Hogue, the campaign director for confirmed that the group will spearhead an ad campaign focused on what has emerged as the central theme of the fall campaign, the question of which candidate is better equipped to bring change to Washington.

"The fight is over whose plan for change is real, whose is genuine. And we're looking to put that in front of voters," Hogue said. "When you look at McCain and [GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah] Palin's ties to Big Oil, it doesn't pass the laugh test that they are for change."

Having spent recent elections watching conservative groups bombard Democratic candidates by taking a disciplined message to the television and talk radio airwaves, the leaders of several major left-leaning groups said they are ready to answer back.

"After years of watching the other side do this, it's finally something we've really gotten strong at," Hogue said. knows how to throw punches. The counter attack is going to have to be ruthless.

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