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Palin lied about Iraq visit to "battle zone"

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Good grief, she lies repeatedly about everything. Then again, considering how flimsy her resume is, this is no surprise. Hey, I looked at China from the border in Laos so does that count as a visit to China? I changed planes at the airport in Seoul, so maybe that also counts as a visit according to Palin. I took a bus through Zambia for thirty minutes after rafting down the Zambezi River. Does that bus trip count as "on the ground experience" in Zambia? Does flying over Greenland count? I could see it from the plane window, after all.

Following her selection last month as John McCain's running mate, aides said Palin had traveled to Ireland, Germany, Kuwait, and Iraq to meet with members of the Alaska National Guard. During that trip she was said to have visited a "military outpost" inside Iraq. The campaign has since repeated that Palin's foreign travel included an excursion into the Iraq battle zone.

But in response to queries about the details of her trip, campaign aides and National Guard officials in Alaska said by telephone yesterday that she did not venture beyond the Kuwait-Iraq border when she visited Khabari Alawazem Crossing, also known as "K-Crossing," on July 25, 2007.

Asked to clarify where she traveled in Iraq, Palin's spokeswoman, Maria Comella, confirmed that "She visited a military outpost on the other side of the Kuwait-Iraq border."

It was the second such clarification in as many weeks of the itinerary of what Palin has called "the trip of a lifetime." Earlier, the campaign acknowledged that Palin made only a refueling stop in Ireland.
She took a few steps over the border to an outpost and thinks that was a battle zone? Does McCain honesty think this is valid experience for a v.p. candidate? Is he serious when he repeats the "she can see Russia" line? Even with that line, she has never even said that she personally saw Russia, only that it's possible. What new lie are we going to discover next? When is the media going to quit calling her lies "clarifications" or "stretching the truth" or providing other excuses. A lie is a lie and Palin-McCain can't stop themselves from lying.

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