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McCain's ultimate inside-the-beltway solution to the economy: Form a commission

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Yesterday, John McCain said "the fundamentals of our economy are strong." His campaign been trying to dig out from that statement since the words left the candidate's mouth. McCain has no economic agenda. He's just going to follow the Bush path, which led us to where we are.

But, knowing that Americans are freaking out, the McCain brain trust has been scrambling to come up with an economic plan. Their grand solution: McCain will form a commission. Yep, that's it. Pretty much the most inside-the-beltway answer to any problem is: Form a commission. McCain's been in Washington for a very long time. McCain touted his bold, new plan on the TODAY Show this morning:

Funny that McCain would invoke the 9/11 Commission, when he didn't show up to vote on that commission's recommendations. Most of his GOP colleagues voted against them as Bob Geiger noted:

I knew there had to be a good reason that John McCain missed a critical vote on the 9/11 Commission recommendations in the Senate on Tuesday… I thought it might have been because he didn’t have the guts to go on the record and join 38 Republicans in opposing increased security for America -- though that may still be part of it.

No, McCain decided it was more important to be way out in California for a series of big-money fundraisers on Tuesday than to be on Capitol Hill voting on the bill intended to "make the United States more secure by implementing unfinished recommendations of the 9/11 Commission to fight the war on terror more effectively."
Bob posted McCain's fundraising schedule for the day of that vote, too.

So, let's review: McCain's economic solution is to form a commission, like the 9/11 Commission, but McCain didn't show up to vote for the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission because he was out raising money for his campaign. Got that?

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