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McCain economic adviser: quit complaining, the economy is great

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Another strong case for a 3rd Bush term from the McCain team. Another right wing extremist economist who advises McCain telling everyone that the economy is robust, despite what your lying eyes are telling you. According to right wing theorist (and haven't we had enough of them in the last eight years?) Donald Luskin, the "problem" is purely political and of course, it's Obama's fault. Uh huh. Whoopee for the Bush/McCain economy. If this McCain economic adviser thinks the US economy is so strong, why isn't McCain making this point on the campaign trail? You would think that a proud owner of this Bush/McCain economy would want to brag about the impressive numbers, no? Do tell, Mr Luskin, do tell.

The icing on the cake by this McCain economic adviser? Phil Gramm was right! That and that we may not be on "the brink not of recession, but of accelerating prosperity." Please, please, please advise John McCain to preach this message every day. If Obama is too timid to make a strong case on the economy, perhaps John McCain can contribute and kick start the debate.

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