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Ford "$28 million for four weeks of work" CEO thrilled with bailout talk

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Should we really reward such irresponsible behavior by Ford? Obviously Ford CEO Mulally wasn't worth the excessive pay since the company is now hitting the street begging for money. This is the problem with these bailouts, whether for Detroit or Wall Street. The executive teams have been showered with money beyond the dreams of most Americans and yet that wasn't enough. They are sitting on massive personal wealth made at the expense of others in the company - you know, the people who have been fired or had cutbacks to benefits - but in Mulally's America, none of that matters. He wants hard working Americans to fund projects that America has wanted for decades but Ford wanted their gas guzzling, polluting SUVs.

Normal Americans would be ashamed to pull such a stunt on the backs of taxpayer money but no, not Mulally. How 'bout he cuts his salary and benefits and lives like the rest and then come back for that free ride? Otherwise, go ask someone else for a loan and see how that discussion goes.

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