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Asia markets continue the fall

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When Republicans scoff at the idea of Obama being popular overseas, sure, I get what they're saying but at the same time, they're also showing how ignorant they are to why that matters. We've seen what an unpopular President does for foreign relations and to an equal degree, the GOP has no idea how unpopular Bush has been from a business perspective. People who generally are more conservative and pro-business think Bush has been a disaster. His policies have been no better in terms of business than they have in anything else. The world does have something to lose when the US chooses poorly because when the US economic engine sputters or stops, everyone feels the pain. (Don't even try telling me China or India are taking over as the new economic engine. That's a joke.) Everyone has seen enough of the mindless Republican policies and want a change. Real change, that is.

To that end, Asian markets have been clobbered today thanks to the failed Bush-McCain economic policies. They allowed Wall Street to gamble beyond its means, ignoring history as well as the basic regulatory functions that they were supposed to provide. Because of those failures - policies which McCain's economic brain still thinks are solid - the world is paying the price. At this moment, the major markets (Hong Kong, China, Tokyo) are all down around 5% and Seoul is down 6%.

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