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New US embassy in Iraq plans posted online

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The state of the art fortress/embassy that is costing US taxpayers almost $600m could temporarily be found easily after the plans were posted online by the US architectural firm responsible for the project. Is there anyone on the Bush team who gives a damn about security? Regardless of what Google Earth shows (and yes, it's obviously also used by both the US and everyone else) it still displays a lack of common sense and arrogance to post this information online.

Detailed plans for the new U.S. Embassy under construction in Baghdad appeared online Thursday in a breach of the tight security surrounding the sensitive project.

Computer-generated projections of the soon-to-be completed, heavily fortified compound were posted on the Web site of the Kansas City, Mo.-based architectural firm that was contracted to design the massive facility in the Iraqi capital.
The entire website for Berger Devine Yaeger Inc is currently down.

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