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Big Business and SEC would like everyone to forget about Enron

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The big push by business and their GOP friends at the SEC to release industry, who wants the trust of the public so they buy their stock, are getting closer to realizing dream of turning back the clock, as though Enron and Worldcom never happened. I remain curious what they find so restrictive since they are also the first ones to tell us how great the economy is and how well Wall Street has been doing. So why change? It's obvious that Wall Street would prefer having SEC rules that are closer to China's food safety laws (and more recently our own beloved FDA) but I think we've been there before and it was ugly.

Unless the SEC industry lapdogs can show something concrete about how business is suffering, there's no reason to change the regulations. If big business is so worried about being competitive, they can step back and look at the comp plans of their friends which stand in stark contrast to most Americans. Now is no time to change these regulations.

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