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As death toll mounts now, Bush says war will get "bloody" -- in August

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Six more U.S. soldiers dead in Iraq. Bush has his blank check now, still no plan to get out of Iraq, still no accountability -- just a soaring death toll.

The great war commander, George Bush, said the war could get "bloody" in August. In August? As if it hasn't been bloody enough already. As if it isn't bloody enough now. Heckuva job, Congress:

The U.S. military announced on Friday the deaths of six more soldiers in Iraq, hours after U.S. President George W. Bush predicted a bloody summer lay ahead.

Five of the soldiers died on Thursday while another was killed on Tuesday by a roadside bomb in Tikrit, 175 km (110 miles) north of Baghdad, the military said.

April was the worst month this year for the U.S. military since the invasion to topple Saddam Hussein in 2003, with 104 soldiers killed. About 90 have been killed in May so far.

The total death toll for U.S. troops since the invasion now stands at 3,440.
How many deaths would it take for Bush to think the war is bloody now?

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