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Public wants Congress to block Bush's Iraq policies, 51 to 42

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From National Journal

The era of President Bush's familiar mantra is long since past, and Congress is pushing hard for a timeline despite new divisions in its leadership over the details. A recent survey from Democratic pollster Greenberg Quinlan Rosner (D) suggests the public is ready for strong measures to take the war in a different direction -- or, at least, on a course other than the president's.

Bush's Iraq strategy got the cold shoulder from most respondents; 58 percent said they opposed it, compared with 35 percent who said they favored it. And when offered a pair of statements about what Congress should do about Bush's overall plans for Iraq, a slight majority said they wanted their representatives to block the president.

Fifty-one percent chose the anti-Bush response: "I want my member of Congress to vote for measures that will force the president to change policies and reduce troop levels in Iraq." Forty-two percent picked the alternative: "I want my member of Congress to vote against measures that could undermine the president's policies in Iraq."

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