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Harry Reid on the stark dangers of the escalating escalation

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Trying to bring some sanity to the Bush Iraq policy is no easy task, but the Senate Majority Leader keeps at it. He has to. Reid just issued this statement in response to the revelation that 12,000 more National Guard troops are being sent to war zones overseas:

Democrats are continuing to fight to give our troops the resources they need, including a strategy for success worthy of their sacrifices. The President's new plan to follow up his ill-advised escalation by sending ill-prepared National Guard troops to Iraq is another misguided strategy neither our troops nor the American people can afford. Nearly 90 percent of the Army National Guard has less than half the equipment they need to respond to a national crisis, and the war in Iraq is endangering our National Guard at home.

President Bush has done more than anyone to damage troop readiness, which are at levels not seen since the Vietnam War. While the Administration continually shifts its stance on when the escalation will end and when we will see results, our military is stretched too thin and our troops are returning to combat too soon and with too little training.
Bush is destroying our military and endangering our nation. Harry Reid and the Democrats need to keep up this pressure.

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