He's now against civil unions. You've gotta be kidding me. This man is the closest thing to a gay Republican short of being a gay Republican, and now he's trying to promote his anti-gay bona fides? Uh, Rudy, Mitt Romney already tried the "I was pro-gay before I was anti-gay" card and no one is buying it. You did drag, Rudy, repeatedly. You lived with a gay couple after your divorce, though I'm not sure which divorce. You're about as pro-gay as they come, in either party, Rudy. So spare us the 9th inning conversion to God-fearing homophobe. You're a liar and a hypocrite. More from the NY Sun, and from Pam.
Now watch one of Giuliani's many drag appearances.
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Giuliani, in effort to appease far-right of GOP, is now reversing himself on gay issues
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