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Escalation: war supporters are right this time . . . they swear!

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Except that, of course, they're not. When people who have been wrong (and mendacious) every step of the way on Iraq say that they know the truth -- and it just so happens to coincide perfectly with their political leanings -- I have to admit I'm just a little skeptical. I'm not alone in this, and Greenwald expounds further:

Strictly for journalistic accuracy, every article that quotes someone like Mike Pence claiming that things are improving in Iraq and the Glorious Surge is working ought to include a statement that informs readers that Pence has been making exactly the same claims for four years straight, and that he announced in 2004 that we found WMDs in Iraq. Passing along his claims without including those vital facts is misleading.
I give a lot of credit to the people who started out correct and stayed that way on this war. I give some credit to people who screwed it up to start but have since learned and internalized the right lessons. And I have only scorn for those who were wrong, are wrong, and continue to lie and mislead based on being wrong. It really is stunning that people like Pence and, oh, our vice president, as well as many others, continue to function in the public discourse. There is such thing as being wrong in good faith. This isn't it.

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