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Bush and Republicans want to block drug price negotiation bill

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Once again, proving that they could care less about limiting tax payer costs at the expense of rewarding big business friends. With this kind of attitude it is no wonder spending has been wildly out of control during the Republican control.

The White House threatened on Tuesday to veto a Senate bill proposing to allow the U.S. government to negotiate prices for prescription drugs under the Medicare program.

The Senate was expected to cast a test vote on Wednesday, when Democrats try to end debate and go forward with consideration of the bill. Republican Charles Grassley of Iowa, who opposes the bill, has vowed to filibuster or talk the bill to death.

In a statement, the White House said the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the Senate bill "would have a negligible effect on federal spending and provide no substantial savings to the government or Medicare beneficiaries."
For something that would have a "negligible effect on federal spending" these sure are strong reactions. I question just how negligible those savings would be, but going along with that line of thought, what would happen if the administration could find similar negligible savings in other areas. It all adds up and even a little is a lot with the US government spending.

Why are the Republicans so opposed to trimming spending?

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