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British corporate world unites to combat global warming

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I understand that businesses are seeking revenue and naturally, some (if not all) are moving to be the greenest of the green so they can round up a few more customers. Regardless of their intentions, the fact remains that they are actively volunteering to participate in educating their clients about global warming. Small steps, perhaps, but steps. I compare this to so many US companies that think because they put a flower in an advert, talk about some obscure program that they've probably under-funded that nobody is really aware of or even made big announcements only to ignore the actions, well, I see a big difference.

Looking at the list of UK corporates that are participating in this new green push, even BskyB which is roughly 40% owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp, is on board.

If every household takes up the "We're in this together" campaign initiatives over the next three years, there is a potential saving of 25m tonnes of CO2 - more than the combined emissions of Scotland and Wales. Partners will provide either products, services or advice for consumers to help reduce household emissions.

The campaign was formed as a response to research showing that people feel powerless when faced with the challenge of climate change. It is spearheaded by the Climate Group, an NGO created to act as a catalyst between business, state and civil groups to tackle climate change.
For starters, it might be nice to see a few of the so-called liberal US newspapers include a column on their sites dedicated to the environment. There is obviously enough content and the interest by Americans is there.

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