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Blair knew about UK soldiers selling their stories to media

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So what? Who cares outside of those who thought the days of the Empire were great moments in history? British media had hyperventilating since the release of the UK soldiers by Iran because a few of the soldiers sold their stories to the tabloid media. Some people were horrified with the bidding process while others saw this as a sad reflection on the current state of the UK military, being in conflict with the brave images from the days of the Empire. Having family who were on the receiving end of the Empire, I suppose I don't reflect quite as positively on those “good old days” and I also miss why selling stories like this is any different than a politician selling his or her story, often accepting millions in advance.

With Blair at the end of his rule and surely eying a fat book contract and speaking tour money, he would be even more of a fraud - if that's even possible - if he joined the parade against the soldiers. While I may not be thrilled with the sale of story to the media, they weren't doing anything that politicians and government leaders don't do on a regular basis. If there's going to be a ban for the soldiers, there ought to be a ban on politicians who have been working for the country peddling their stories as well.

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