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Two new gay blogs

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Well, maybe not NEW new, but new to me (or news to me). Anyway, found them in the last two weeks, and love them. If you're into glbt stuff, check em out:

- Bloggernista
- Booststrapping Andrew Sullivan (I have no idea what this even means, sounds a bit like Being John Malkovich (which I never saw) but the blog is incredibly well written and the arguments and logic are tremendous)

And I also recently added a link to Politics TV, who I've done a lot of work for. I don't link to many sites, on purpose. The links are to sites I know and like, so please don't be offended if you emailed me and I didn't link. I really don't want the links to be to everyone under the sun, I really want them to be to to a select group of sites I know and like. Keep sending me your good content from time to time, that's the best way to get eventually linked.

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