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Bush still hearts Alberto, for now. But he loves Karl more.

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The White House is making a big deal about a phone call Bush made to Gonzales this morning. Whatever. In the battle for their President's affection, Alberto loses. Bush still loves (and needs) Karl more.

Ed Henry just explained the situation quite succinctly on CNN:

The White House is going to protect Karl Rove before they're going to protect Al Gonzales. The fact is they can get another Attorney General. Karl Rove is their lead guy here at the White House. They're going to protect him at all cost.

Karl Rove's brilliance got Bush down to around 30% approval in the polls and helped insure Democratic majorities in the House and Senate. If they want to fight to save him, let them.

Also, watch the Bush team try to spin the idea that this scandal is dying down. It's not. It's just heating up. Even the traditional media types, who get spun and lied to by Bush officials all the time, should know that.

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