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Another reason why Rep. Jean Schmidt (R-OH) is despicable. She says Walter Reed scandal is "overblown"

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In Congresswoman Jean Schmidt's world, all those wounded soldiers at Walter Reed must have been lying. And, Dana Priest and Anne Hull from the Washington Post (who will probably win awards for their reporting) were just causing trouble. Schmidt has a different story to tell about Walter Reed:

Rep. Jean Schmidt wrote in her weekly column sent out to reporters on Monday that stories about horrible conditions at Walter Reed Army Medical Center were "overblown."

Schmidt, a Clermont County Republican, decided to take "several hours" to travel to the hospital in Washington, D.C., to see the situation "first hand."

Her conclusion?

"I found the situation at Walter Reed to be overblown by both politicians and the media."
She is a typical Republican who does not support the troops. She really is despicable.

Hat tip Talking Points Memo.

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