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White House: Energy conservation is dumb, build more corporate toll roads

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I know that this administration isn't very keen on reading history and they prefer acting as though we are living in a distant era, but building more roads in cities does not alleviate traffic but only encourages it. Add to that the damage to neighborhoods, the ugliness and of course, the additional opportunity to pollute they bring. Robert Moses figured out in the 30's and 40's that building roads does not help traffic and built a political empire based on toll roads, all while telling people how much better roads were compared to public transportation.

Considering the past six years of insider deals, no-bid contracts, incompetence and mismanagement, one has to be suspicious towards the suggestion of building toll roads by this administration. It always seems to be a game of "follow the money" with this crowd, so who are their friends who might benefit with such programs? With the GOP spending history and their love of corporate welfare on the back of the middle class, it might be a better idea to just take a pass on this.

What's so difficult about conservation and why does this crowd hate it so much?

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