The Independent has been running a campaign on the subject of wasteful packaging as it relates to the global problem of pollution and global warming. At home it never ceases to amaze me how much packaging goes into the recycling bags each week. The problem that I have with it is that so much of it is unnecessary, not to mention the issue of what happens next since we are now reading reports of "recycling" material being shipped off to China and the developing world. Besides the actual waste of the post-purchase packaging, The Independent has been addressing the problem of the actual production of the packaging and its contribution to global warming. I can't say that I find this specific approach practical (leaving packaging at the store after checkout) but it's good to see the debate.
What about in the US? Are people discussing this or showing any interest? Perhaps with space being more precious and costs being higher it receives more attention over here but with the US being such a major contributor to global warming, hopefully it is also being debated over there.
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Should stores be responsible for packaging?
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