comsc US Politics | AMERICAblog News: Readers from 82 countries visited AMERICAblog in the last 10 hours
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Readers from 82 countries visited AMERICAblog in the last 10 hours

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I was just looking through the data of a new service I'm using to get a better sense of the blog traffic, and saw that in the past ten hours the service has been up, we've gotten visitors from 82 countries (or so). That's amazing. And I'm not saying this to pump AMERICAblog - any blog our size would have the same diversity of traffic, I think - I'm just simply amazed that our sites have this kind of reach. I mean, we all know the Internet is a big series of tubes that goes everywhere, but having worked with the Net since 1995, I'm still amazed by the power of this thing. 82 countries, and in just the past half day. Wow.

Click the chart below to see the detailed traffic:

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