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More deadly evidence that "Support the troops" is just a talking point for the GOP

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Republicans talk about supporting the troops, like White House puppet John Cornyn did yesterday when he was trashing his colleague, John Warner:

“To offer nonbinding resolutions which encourage our enemies and undermine our allies and deflate the morale of our troops is, to me, the worst of all possible worlds,” said Senator John Cornyn, Republican of Texas.
It's bad enough that Bush and the GOP haven't provided the right equipment for our soldiers as the Department of Defense Inspector General reported yesterday. That is bad enough. But, Senator Cornyn and any other GOPer who talks about supporting the troops should meet Jonathan Schulze. Well, it's too late to meet him. The young Iraq vet died of post-traumatic stress disorder -- and neglect. But, they need to know his story. It's appalling.

Talk is cheap. And all we get from Republicans is cheap talk to cover up failed policy.

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