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Update from the Capitol

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Hello again. The video above comes courtesy from our friends at PoliticsTV has been interviewing some of the key Members of the 110th and we'll be featuring their interviews throughout the day.

There has been a steady stream of returning and newly elected members of Congress coming to meet with us this morning.

We've had the chance to talk to Rep. Louise Slaughter who chairs the very powerful House Rules Committee. She's focused on getting the initial agenda passed noting that they have a 12 year mess to clean up. The Republicans disenfranchised half the electorate during their reign. Slaughter is committed to making sure that the people really get their voices heard

The new chair of the DCCC, Chris Van Hollen, came by, too. In 2002, Van Hollen got the voters in his district to understand that a vote for their incumbent moderate Republican was really a vote for House GOP leaders like Tom DeLay. That message worked in 2006 in many districts and states. Van Hollen is committed to expanding the Democratic majority in the House and as he told us, the Democrats are on the offensive.

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